Refund Transfers

What is a Refund Transfer?

A Refund Transfer (RT) allows customers to pay their tax preparation related fees and other amounts with their refund. The Refund Transfer Fee will be charged upon receipt of the first funding, regardless of whether it is a federal or state refund. A Subsequent Funding Fee will apply for each additional funding we receive, regardless of whether it is a federal or state refund. 

How long does a Refund Transfer take?

Timing depends on when the IRS or State releases the refund to Republic Bank. The IRS typically processes e-filed tax returns in less than 21 days unless it needs further review. See for the latest timing estimates.

Clients need money before their refund comes in? The Easy Advance is a great option!

*Important: The IRS will not start releasing refunds for taxpayers that have the Earned Income Tax Credit and/or Additional Child Tax Credit until February 15 due to The PATH Act.

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